Monday, 7 March 2016

Marae Visit

Trip to Hoani Waititi Marae
We got on the bus and headed for the Marae. The bus was big and yellow. It was really long. I sat with my mum. She was the parent helper. When we got off the bus, we were welcomed. We walked through the gate and onto the Marae. In front of us there was a big house called a Marae. Before we went in we had to take our shoes and gumboots off. When we got in the big marae we sat on Mattresses. They were soft. I looked around. There were patterns on the ceiling and carvings on the wall. There were some speeches and then Shane started to talk to us. Soon it was morning tea. After morning tea we went back to the big Marae. We played a hand game called Whitu. We had to pat our knees and count to seven in Maori. We did a few more things and then it was lunch. After lunch we did some dances and songs. Then we did the Haka. We went back to school on the big yellow bus. That was fun!

Learning Community 5

Last Tuesday, our Whanau visited Hoani Waititi Marae to learn about powhiri protocols. Here we are waiting to be invited onto the Marae.