Sunday, 23 February 2014

Room 3's Amazing Art

Room 3 are creating portraits of ourselves using muscle shells and MDF. We filled the shells with fast set plaster, added a plastic screw shell and sanded our shell to prepare it for painting.

Surf to School Swim Safe Lesson

Estella made an excellent lifeguard during our Surf to School Swim Safe lessons. We know how to Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap and to never swim at an unpatrolled beach.

Ice Breakers and Water Day

Ice Breakers
Ice breaker - who can balance a marshmallow on the biggest structure using 20 spaghetti sticks, 1 metre of string, and a piece of masking tape?
Nathan, Toby and Diamond were the winners!!!

Water Day

Water Day: Room 3 girls posing as Charlie's Angels with their water pistols. We raised money for Surf Lifesaving.